Monday, March 24, 2008

Port au Prince

Mass of white steel
Black bodies shaking
Cheap trucks full of adolescent fight
Boys with guns and whipping rods

Steel clack on concrete
Tortured procession
A slow march on bare feet
Around corners to painful sessions

and God cried


CSmithNow said...


Hey, long time...

Evidently The WORD has been Kind to you. Unabashedly I must write that I am unsurprised by your most resent choice of personal venue. “The Song Remains The Same”

Kiss the soul my friend; I hope this most recent venture works for you.

Happy Hanukkah, :)


Anonymous said...


I have read you post several times ( responded to it once already )and I thought this bit appropriate. Poetic thought being what it is, I felt a compunction to express myself in kind.


Children of thought; searchers for TRUTH...

Blinded by hypocrisies and paths conceded through lack of vision...

Tortured through the fiery wistful hope of the dreaming masses...

Eyes tearing at the hurricane force of mediocrity and conformity...

The child of thought walks, force-bent to the weighty wind of the perpetuated polarized inanity that is religion.

This or that, us or them, right or wrong, true or false, good or evil...

The Meme that is Religion is veracious and flawed...

Religion: The polarization of reality - is not only a self perpetuating and finitely limited defining of truth but fundamentally a misleading and fruitless search for the indefinable through man made discriminations dictated by blind adherence to socially engineered doctrine.

TRUTH as Life is fluid.

Thinking child, come awake and see...

Is there spirit? Is there God? Is there Soul?

The real question must be: Are you really PRESENT? / Or do you simply regurgitate what has been fed you?

Child of thought?, What do you think?

The Mouse said...

I enjoyed your post and the verse that you set it to.

I am working on an educated and non biased response to your ideas of truth and, possibly more importantly, your ideas of where truth does not lie.

To give you an idea of my direction on this, I must ask you to think about the genesis of truth (not the book of the Bible, but the secular conversational meaning). Where does truth originate, what is truth, how do ethics play into the fluidity and relativity of truth, is their a collective unconscience that (according to secular psychologist Carl Jung) permeates our morality and actions? What is this ethical unconsciousness, what do we call it? Are there any in the world who have perfectly embodied this prfect moral construct?, and, finally, are human institutions not always inheritantly flawed due to there very human nature?

Just a thought or twenty. i'll get back to you with a more logical reply soon.


Anonymous said...


I, as I can only assume most people do, have a confused and montage-like view and understanding of what TRUTH might be.

I personally view TRUTH as the breath of my children. I see TRUTH in the souls and presence of my sweet boy and girl. There is nothing more vital in my existence or my being than their happiness and continued progression into life.

That is a TRUTH of mine...

Truth . . .

What IS "TRUTH"?

What is TRUTH? Is Buddhism Truth? Is Christianity? Is Islam?

When does "TRUTH" become an indoctrinated "reality" of acculturated beliefs? . . .

What "IS" TRUTH?

What is your truth?